Tag Archives: God’s love

Frog Story!!!

Sorry for not posting this yesterday, but my wireless network wasn’t working!  Here is the story of F.R.O.G…

Early one morning, when I was just a little thing,

I awoke from my dreams and a night full of sleeping.

All of a sudden, with no rhyme or reason, a voice in my head began repeating.

“Frog in the morning.

Frog in the night.

Frog everywhere with all of your might!”

But to frog?  That is silly!  For what does it mean?  For to frog must involve being bumpy and green!

Like a hand on my shoulder, the Lord came to me.  “My silly, sweet silly one,” He said, “to frog is a totally different thing.

Frog is to…

Fully Rely On God!”

All of a sudden from my lips came a gasp.  I understood frog finally and at last!

The Lord continued on, speaking so sweetly,

“Frog is to pray without ever ceasing.”

“Frog is to rejoice even when you are losing.”

“Frog is to fear not when something gives you the jeepers.”

“Frog is to love even those who are meaner!”

“Frog is to remember that I died for your sin.”

“Frog is to praise God for I rose again!”

“Frog is to love the Holy Spirit, my Father, and me.”

“Frog is to remember we’ll be here for all eternity!”

“Frog is to accept me into your heart.”

“Frog is to live forever for we will never be apart!”

“My silly, sweet silly one, can’t you see that I love you with all of my heart?”

“You will have hard times, times of sadness and despair, but if you rely on me, I will always be there.”

“And if you do wrong and terrible things, I’ll still love you forever because you are my precious being.”

“In all of your paths, I will bring with me light.  Together, we’ll reach our Father when the timing is right.


“Frog in morning.

Frog in the night.

Frog everywhere with all of your might!”

As warm as a summer’s breeze, I felt my Savior’s arm around me,

and we walked forever and ever, together.


I hope this story will always remind of you of one of the most important lessons that we can ever learn… that we were created to Fully Rely On God.  I pray your day is filled with Sonshine! :)